Image of what are alternative proteins

The future of food

We help leaders in Australia & New Zealand to understand emerging alternative protein industries and unlock their benefits.


Why talk of “peak veganism” is unhelpful?

On 7 August 2023 when the CEO of the leading US plant-based meat manufacturer Beyond Meat, Ethan Brown, told investors that net revenues had decreased 31% over the previous year, the media rushed to pronounce that we’d reached “peak veganism” and gathered further evidence of reduced sales, companies filing for bankruptcy, and consumers turning away from vegan products. Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) confirmed, through its annual consumer survey, that Australians self-identifying as vegetarian or vegan was at its lowest figure (5%) in nearly 10 years of gathering data, down from 9% in 2021. 

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Food Frontier’s mission

We advance dialogue and decision-making to accelerate the market development of alternative proteins, unlocking economic, environmental and health benefits.

Arc Transparent

Our expertise

Thomas King
Founder and Chair
Image of Anne Astin
Anne Astin AM PSM PhD
Non-Executive Director
David Bucca
Non-Executive Director
Kat Dunn
Non-Executive Director
image of Allison Gibson
Allison Gibson
Non-Executive Director
Terence Jeyaretnam
Non-Executive Director
Hannah Andersen
Chief of staff
Susie O’Neill
Head of Industry Engagement
Image of Megan Redmond
Megan Redmond
Head of Government Relations and Policy

As seen in

Join us in addressing climate, health, and humanitarian crises by advocating for food systems change.

Your support can help us provide future generations with  healthier protein choices and create a better world.

Arc Transparent
"We’ve supported Food Frontier from its early days and continue to be impressed by the team’s disciplined, sophisticated and highly strategic approach, which has achieved exponential influence for an organisation of their size. We could not be prouder to continue our support of their work to accelerate essential progress towards making our food systems safer, and more sustainable."

Nick Chadwick


"Food Frontier really helped us when we were establishing our plant-based start-up Eighth Day Foods. We are using a novel ingredient, and Food Frontier’s comprehensive and accurate resources helped us learn about how to market our product. They also made introductions to the people we needed for capital raising and industry connections, and were very enthusiastic about our success."

Jen Drew


"Had it not been for a conversation with Food Frontier, I'd likely still be in fintech – but Food Frontier inspired me to start All G. We’ve built an amazing team reimaging meat and dairy using plant proteins and precision fermentation, and are well on our way with our Series A raise - already securing $25 million in investment with more announcements to come. Together we are designing a sustainable food future, by creating alternative proteins in dairy and meat categories. Thank you Food Frontier for your independence, your research, insights and connections – your leadership is gold!"

Jan Pacas


"Food Frontier’s trusted research data and insights assisted us in building our business case to successfully secure state government funding for our plant processing facilities in South Australia–one of the largest for public/private investment in this sector."

Phil McFarlane

Co-Founder & Director

Our collaborators

Our work towards a sustainable, safe and diversified protein supply is furthered through the collective impact of our collaborators, including:

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