Our approach

As the independent think tank on alternative proteins in Australia and New Zealand, we’re committed to growing our region’s protein supply with new, sustainable and nutritious options that create value for businesses, farmers and consumers. Diversifying our protein supply with sustainable food options that are nutritious and satisfying is critical to feeding people in the future.

How we move the needle

Driving dialogue with data

Critical research to drive informed, widespread engagement

Supporting food producers

Advice, introductions and resources for companies, start-ups and farmers

Advising policymakers

Insights for governments and peak bodies to inform policy decisions

Who we support

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Our resources, forums and presentations equip industry with the insights to capitalise on rising demand for alternative proteins.

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Our research and advice enable forward-thinking governments to attract innovation, investment and new jobs to their region.

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Our events and introductions connect entrepreneurs, researchers and investors with opportunities to advance new, high-value protein innovations.

How we started

After a decade driving food systems, environmental and poverty alleviation initiatives across five continents, Thomas King recognised that the growing impacts of our global food system underpinned these challenges, and many others our world faces today. 

Realising the huge potential of emerging proteins to increase the safety, sustainability and security of our food supply, he founded Food Frontier in 2017 as Australia and New Zealand’s independent think tank on alternative proteins.

Over the past five years, Food Frontier’s research, events and engagements have helped leaders understand the emergence and unlock the benefits of plant based meat, precision fermentation and cultivated meat. Our work continues today with our commitment to growing our region’s protein supply with new, sustainable and nutritious options that create value for businesses, farmers and consumers. Food Frontier is funded by grants, donations and commissioned research, so we can remain proudly independent.

The future of food
is in our hands

Arc Transparent

Why Australia & New Zealand

Ripe local consumer markets

Global leaders in food and agriculture production

Strong investment appetite

Worldclass research & development capabilities

Secure, supportive commercial environments

Premiere gateway to Asia

Want to learn more about the protein alternatives industry?

Download our AU and NZ alt-proteins industry directory, or get in touch with our Head of Industry Engagement today.

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